SkatGenius - The smartest way to play Skat.
Feedback is always welcome!
If you have
please contact the developer via the app. This will help to improve the gaming experience further.
Contacting the developer is easy in this app if you have suggestions as well as critical comments.
By touching the white letter icon, as illustrated in the picture above, an e-mail window is opened to contact the developer. You can drop a line if you have any suggestions.
Email with a blue-yellow-table appears.
If you touch the yellow region, a keyboard at the bottom of the screen appears. After you filled-out the table, just tap "Send" as illustrated in the picture above.
Please note, that this form is not suited to report tactical errors! Please use the email-icon on the game analysis screen (see next picture).
If you have detected an annoying tactical mistake, you can report this conveniently, so it can be fixed quickly.
If you have spotted an annoying tactical mistake that ruins your fun, you can report it by touching the email icon on the game analysis screen. It is in the left bottom corner of the screen as illustrated in the picture above. This will open an email window containing the last game (see next picture).
A form with the played cards of the last game appears.
If you touch the yellow marked region, a keyboard will appear at the bottom of the screen. Please write where the tactical error occured and describe the mistake. Afterwards just tap "Send" as illustrated in the picture above.