Enjoy a great game with convenient touch gestures that allow you to play faster and easier. You can:
The control center of this app with all the important information about the current game.
You are playing in the gaming room shown in the picture above. It contains the profile pictures of you and your playing partners sitting at the card table. On the card table you will find a blackboard containing all the important information about the current game.
Your playing partners can be AI-players or real people that you have challenged.
You can return to your current game or start a new game, if you touch the play button in the gaming room as illustrated in the picture above. Then you will see your dealt playing cards (see next picture).
Tap your selected card.
A card is played or led by touching the selected card. This is illustrated in the picture above for diamond 9.
If you did not make the lead, you have to follow suit or trump
Swipe left with one finger.
The cards of the last tricks will be shown in the status bar at the top of the screen after you swiped left (see next picture).
Please note that you may only take back your played cards, if you play against machines. It is not allowed in a multiplayer game due to international Skat rules.
The played cards will only change if you play a different card after you swiped left! If you do not play a card, you only move the tricks backward or forwards. This is helpful, if you want to check the cards that have been played before.
Swipe right with one finger.
To return to your previous trick, just swipe right as illustrated in the picture above.
Swipe right with two fingers.
The AI selects the cards for you, if you swipe right with two finger. This feature is helpful, if you wish to finish the rest of the game conveniently (e.g. because you guess there is no chance lose or win the current game).
Swipe up with two fingers.
To give up your game or give away the last tricks, swipe up with two fingers when it is your turn.
Swipe left with one finger.
After finishing the game, the won points are counted and the sum (e.g. 72) is written on the highlighted stack of cards where the declarer sits (see picture above).
The game results is written on the white piece of paper. The current game status is displayed on the blackboard.
You may swipe left to replay the last game. You can also tap the stack of cards, as illustrated here. Afterwards all played cards are shown.
Swipe right with one finger.
To reshuffle the cards, swipe right with one finger. If the game sheet is full, you will see the victory ceremony. By swiping right a second time you start a new game series.
Tap the stack of cards after all passed.
If all players passed during the bidding process and Ramsch was deactivated, this game is stored as passed-in, and the highlighted stack of cards is positioned at the top of the table.
To look at all cards including the skat, touch the stack of cards, as illustrated in the picture above.
Swipe left with one finger after all passed.
If all players have passed, you may repeat the bidding by swiping left with one finger. This is only allowed if this is no multiplayer game. The game result will be ignored, though!
Swipe right after all passed.
To reshuffle the pack, swipe right with one finger.
Tap the mail icon or swipe right.
When the game series is finished, the victory ceremony starts as shown in the picture above.
Touch the mail icon at the bottom left of the screen to get the game series report. If you like you could sent it via e-mail.
Swipe right with one finger to start a new game series.